The audio & visual ministry teams of FBC have the gift of technical craftsmanship and a passion for using technology to enhance the presentation of the Gospel message. There are teams responsible for lighting, sound, PowerPoint, and video recording.

Sound Team

Mission: To assist in the delivery on the worship services and other special events as needed through sound. To serve the pastor, music minister, and congregation to amplify the sharing of music of the church supporting the clear communication of the gospel to the community. Serving the Lord and our church is our goal.

Power Point Ministry

Mission: Seeks to serve the staff and congregation of FBC Dickson by effectively enhancing and complimenting the worship services in a manner that is pleasing our God and will provide for a better reception and understanding by those who worship with us.

Television Ministry

Watch FBC worship services online here

Watch FBC worship services on local cable, Channel 19...

  • Wednesdays @ 10 am
  • Fridays @ 1 pm
  • Saturdays @ 7 pm