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The Promised One makes permanent promises to those who believe in Him

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him and though you do not see Him, now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory 1 Pet 1:8

  1. Jesus knew the hour for His glorification – cross had come
  2. Jesus loved his disciples to the very end of his earthly ministry
  3. Jesus washes their feet as an act of relationship with Him
  4. Jesus lovingly prepared his disciples for His return to the Father
  5. Jesus gave promises to his disciples to live by when He returned to the Father
  6. Jesus commanded His disciples to obey Him when He returned to the Father

Focus for the series:

Jesus has left the world physically but His presence remains in the world.

Jesus has left precious promises for His disciples who are still in the world.

Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit for His disciples until He comes again the world.

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Spiritual Gifts

Please take the online Spritual Gifts Inventory. You will receive your results in an email and the results will also be shared with staff at First Baptist. Discover your gifts and then develop them for serving the Lord and others!

Click here: Spiritual Gifts Inventory Link

If you need a printed copy of the Spiritual Gifts Inventory  booklet please pick one up at the church.


Other Spiritual Gift Resources:

Click here: Spiritualgiftschart.pdf


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Great is the Mystery of Godliness

He who was revealed in the flesh,

Was vindicated in the Spirit,

Seen by angels,

Proclaimed among the nations,

Believed on in the world,

Taken up in glory

1 Tim. 3:16

This series reminds us of the Lord\'s Life

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WATCH: Video History of the English Bible

Here are resources that you can download for study tools:

The Bridge to Life: navigators-bridge-to-life.pdf

Bible Reading Highlights: BibleReadingHIghlights9.25.24.docx

Bible Translation Guide - Guidetobibletranslations.docx9.18.24

The Word in Your Hand - navigators-the-word-hand-LivinglikeJesusseries-1.pdf

Hiding God\'s Word in my heart - HidingGodsWordinmyheart9.25.24.docx

The Golden Triangle  - GoldenTriangle-DallasWillard[5].docx

The Prayer Hand - navigators-prayer-hand10.2.24.pdf

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Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God. Ps. 42:11

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Focal Truth: Only the childlike go to heaven.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Mike Miller


Know the Truth is a survey of all the great doctrines we believe as Baptist. It allows members of the church to gain a greater understanding of what we believe and why we believe it.

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The Book of Acts provides church growth reports throughout the book

2:41; 4:4; 5:14; 6:1, 7 ;9:31, 35, 42 ;11:21, 24 ;14:1, 21;16:5 ;17:12

Church growth is numericalit continued to increase, 9:35 – they turned to the Lord, 9:42 – many believed in the Lord

Church growth is spiritual – grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ

Today we come to celebrate God’s blessing of growth on FBCD & celebrate the harvest of souls we have enjoyed this past year!

2 Pet. 3:18

Focal Truth: God grows the church

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The Book of Revelation is:

  • focused on the Lord Jesus Christ - 1:1
  • written to believers predicting actual future events that will soon take place in the world and in heaven - 1:1
  • prophecy about the future coming of the Lord Jesus and the end of all things

Bible prophecy uses symbolic words to describe the indescribable, supernatural and spiritual realities about God, things and people.

Bible prophecies symbolic words reveal literal creatures, people, things and events that will take place in the future.

The Book of Revelation begins with a blessing - blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy , and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near. 1:3


2 Chapters per week

The Book of Revelation begins with a reminder that the time of the Lord Jesus\' return is near. -1:3

The Book of Revelation begins with a praise to the Living, Risen and Reigning Lord Jesus Christ who is coming soon to the earth to reign for 1,000 years.

Because Jesus Christ is the reigning Lord-He has given to His people some precious promises that will be theirs in heaven!

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Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Mike Miller

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