FBC Dickson offers a variety of Bible Study groups that meet on Sunday mornings at three time slots for adults:  8 AM, 9 AM and 10:30 AM.  Most of our adult classes are offered based on topic/curriculum, age, season of life, or interests.

The Lord has blessed our church with so many wonderful teachers who can help you dig deeper in your understanding of the Word.  Plugging into one of these groups is vital to your spiritual growth at FBC.  This is where you will build strong relationships and make real connections with other believers.  You will also find a place to serve alongside friends. 

To find out which group might best fit you, please contact Jeff Heflin at  We encourage you to try out several groups for a few weeks until you find the perfect fit.

Normal schedule:

8, 9, & 10:30 am // Sunday School
Here's a list of Adult Sunday School Classes.


C-110-114- Roy Smith – (Adult Co-ed)

C-107-109 –  (Adult Co-ed – Masterworks) - Jon Roy Sloan


SS 9:00 am

C111-113 - Mark Brannan (Adult Co-Ed Class)

C110-112- (Adult Co-ed – 3 B’s)

C-102-104- Louise Myatt/Nancy Gerald (Golden Women’s Class)

C107-109 – Dave & Terri Klutinoty (Median Age Adults)

Gym- COME & GO - Pastor Todd Vermilyea + Larry Rogers (Adult Co-ed)

C101-105 Generations –Todd Berry (Adult Co-ed – Explore the Bible)

Youth Building-Conference Center-  Travis Wales  – (Couples)

Youth Building Y110 – Angie Richardson (Mixed age Ladies Class)

Youth Building - Y106 - Spencer & Dani Bryson (Co-Ed Multigenerational Class)

SS 10:30 am

C-101-105- Frank Whitaker/Jerry Duke (Golden Adult Co-ed – Explore the Bible)

C-111- 113 - Richard Moore (Harmony – Adult Co-ed - Explore the Bible)

Conference Center- Odds and Ends (Adult Co-ed – Explore the Bible)

C110-114- Faith Riders (Paul Fox – Adult Co-ed)

C-107-109- Ladies Sunday School Class - (Cheryl Waters) 

Y-106- Singles/Mixed Adults – all ages (Jerry Potts)

C104- Special Friends (Special needs Adult – Gary/Becki Vincent, David Scheetz)

 C112 - Ladies Sunday School Class -Masterworks (Pat McDaniel) 

If you have questions about Sunday School, please contact Jeff Heflin via the form below:

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