Classes Available for Children (Infants-5th grade)
Sundays at 9 am & 10:30 am

Intergenerational Worship



Age Group Teachers Room
Infant Patti Chappell, Candice Gray, Carla Givens A110-112
Toddler Teacher Rotation A 104
2 year old Deborah Young A 107
3 year old Sherri Ebarb & Emily Metcalf A 122
4 year old Ann & Jimmy Petty, Julie Hayes A 124
Kindergarten Judy Estes + assistant rotation A 126
1st grade Jessica Hollingsworth/Jessica McClellan B 110-112
2nd grade Emily & Alan Matlock B 106-108
3rd grade  Carol Nash & Shelia McIntyre B 102-104
4th grade Jennifer & Mike Patterson B 101-103
5th grade  Charlene Dillehay B105-107


Joy Time 10:30am Service*

Age Group Teachers Room
Infants Susan & Stephen Ahlheit A 110-112
Toddler Teacher rotation A 104
2 year old Brian & Dana Veasman, Noah Veasman A 107
3 year old Teacher rotation A 123
4 year old Tracy Rogers &  Abbie Daniel + youth rotation A 127
5 year old & Kindergarten Teacher rotation Room A 125


1st - 5th grade children join their families in the sanctuary for Worship Service.

Periodically offered: First Steps & Know the Truth