Support Groups

The basic fact of life is that every life must come to an end. No matter what efforts we make to extend our days, we have to admit that our lives are temporary. There is a verse in the Bible from the book of James that says,
What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. ~ James 4:14
That’s why we have GriefShare. People we love and that mean so much to us are now gone. Left behind in their place are empty chairs at the table. We’d like to tell them about our day, but they are no longer able to sit down with us and listen. The experience of grief can settle in and we can find it difficult to take steps forward.
GriefShare is a 13 week support group that is led by people who know what the pain of grief is like. We watch a DVD presentation that helps us identify the characteristics of grief, how our faith interacts with grief, and how God can help us move forward.
GriefShare doesn’t solve the problem of grief. If we truly loved someone, we will always miss their presence in our lives. But the days do not have to be as painful as they are now. Here's a segment from GriefShare...
If you or someone you know is suffering from grief, please share with them this information today. Encourage them to participate in this free course that offers so much consolation and information. There is a workbook and it will assist you in walking through the daily exercises of grief recovery.
GriefShare meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. We meet at First Baptist Church Dickson for 14 weeks. You don't have to be a member of the church to fellowship with us. Jon-Roy & Maria Sloan along with Robbie Wales will be your friendly facilitators.
We look forward to this season of GriefShare because in our experience this program helps move people ahead in beautiful ways. For more information and resources, visit GRIEFSHARE.ORG.
Class meets Wednesdays @ 6 pm in Room Y106