TN Baptist Disaster Relief
North American Mission Board
TN Baptist Children's Home


  1. Mobile, AL - The Port Church (Jan. – Spring Break) (Young Adults)15-20 People (Tim Hopper)
  2. Cowley, WY -  Water of Life Church (May 29 - June 3) 12-18 People
  3. Longmont, CO -  Connection Church (October 8-14) 15-20 People(Todd Vermilyea)
  4. Community Acts of Service (August during Harvest Week)
  5. Disaster Relief (Tenn. Mississippi etc.) (Gary Vincent)
  6. Rogers, Arkansas Motorcycle Rally (Sept. 18-23) 15-20 People(Todd Vermilyea)
  7. The Ranch (TBCH) (March/Nov.) Maintenance/Landscape Work (Todd Vermilyea)