Current News

2024 Fall DiscipleLife Classes

Beginning Tuesdays Fall 2024

Ladies Bible Study: James - What You Do Matters by Margaret Feinberg (7 wks)                (9:00am begins Sept. 10)      
Led By: Terri Klutinoty/Lori Snow                    C101-105

PRECEPT: Study of James  
Led By: Doris Collins  (9:30am - begins Sept. 10)            C108-114

Men’s Tuesday Bible Study: Book of Acts                                      
Led By: Gary Hilton  (in progress)                          C-104

Wednesday Nights Fall 2024 - 6:30-7:30 PM

Pastor Mike’s Study: (Noon and 6:30pm - begins Sept. 11)           
Study: Living Like Jesus-Spiritual Disciplines   Fellowship Hall

Ladies Bible Study: Desperate For Hope 
Led By: Angie Richardson (begins Aug. 14)                   C-101-105

Ladies Bible Study: Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible                                                          Led By: Sandra Ivey  - (begins Sept. 11) (in Upstairs Youth area) 

Financial Peace - Dave Ramsey Course                  Guest Central               
Led By: Jeff Heflin - (begins Sept. 11 at 6:00pm, cost $80) 
Sign up at     No childcare.

Men’s Study: The Man God Uses                          C-106
Led By: Todd Vermilyea (begins Sept. 11)

Men’s Wednesday Bible Study - Book of Psalms                C-104
Led By:  Edwin Davis  (in progress)                                  

Childcare - Deborah Young/Janice Proctor              A104

Mission Friends
3 yr. olds - Robin Metcalf & Emily Metcalf                A127
4yr. olds - K - Luci Gentry & Elizabeth Godwin        A125
Girls in Action (GA’s)                                            
1st grade - Terri Klutinoty                                                  B110
2nd - 3rd grades - Jennifer Patterson & Carol Nash         B106-108
4th - 5th grades - Sheila McIntyre & Chloe McIntyre        B102-104
Royal Ambassadors (RA’s)                          
1st grade - Will & Shiori DeWitt                                        B112
2nd - 3rd grades - Taylor Griffin & Brad Leeper                B105-107
4th - 5th grades - Kurt McIntyre & Alan Matlock               B101-103

UNTAMED (youth 6-12 grades at 6:30pm)                      Conference Ctr.
Open Gym time @ 5:30 pm


GriefShare:  Begins Aug. 14 @ 6:00pm                          Y-106                                                                       Led By: Jon Roy & Maria Sloan & Robbie Wales                     

Surviving the Holidays (GriefShare) - Sun. Nov. 24, 1-4pm   C-101-105
Sign up online.